The World's Best
Love Machine For Two People!
The LM42P is a compact double-sided fucking machine that provides couples with the best sexual experiences possible.

The benefits of using Love Machines with your partner
Couples that use sex toys together not only have great sex lives, but they also have better relationships overall than couples that don’t use sex toys together!

Yes it’s true that introducing sex toys into the bedroom can be very intimidating for some couples, but if you drop your inhibitions you’ll see that sex toys, even sex machines, can really spice things up in the bedroom, and a fun and naughty sex life will make your overall relationship better in every department!

We understand the advantages couples get from using sex toys together, and that is why we created the LM42P!
You see, most sex machines on the market today are designed for people to use by themselves, but LM42P designs love machines that couples can use together at the same time!

Here are just a few reasons why couples should use our LM42P together:
- Couples that Use The LM42P Together Have a Spicy Sex Life
You can only do the same sex positions over and over again until your sex life becomes repetitive, and that’s why the introduction of The LM42P can help you change things up in the bedroom and make things a LOT more fun!
- Couples that Use The LM42P Together Communicate Better
Watching how your partner reacts to The LM42P will help you know what he or she likes, which will help you do those same things to them while having sex.

- Couples Who Use The LM42P Are Better At Giving Direction to Each Other
In addition to communicating, in order to have an amazing sex life, couples need to feel comfortable giving direction to each other, and The LM42P allows couples to feel more comfortable telling each other what they like and dislike as well as allowing couples to open up about what they want because they know their partner won’t judge them for wanting certain things done to them in certain ways.

- Just the Act of Purchasing a LM42P Together Brings Couples Closer Together
Couples can feel each other’s excitement while deciding together which LM42P they should purchase. It’s fun looking at the wide selection of LM42Ps and imagining how much fun they’ll have together while using it! And the excitement and anticipation of waiting for it to arrive at their house is just as much fun as buying it!

- The LM42P Makes Foreplay a Lot More Exciting
Foreplay is a key ingredient that couples need for a HOT sex life, and The LM42P sets the mood for a hot night of sex. Watching your partner use The LM42P makes you so horny that you can’t wait for your turn to get a piece of your partner.

- The LM42P Is The Perfect Threesome Partner
Some couples like the idea of having a threesome, but they also understand that introducing another person into their bedroom may spark issues of jealousy. The LM42P allows you to watch your partner have sex, and since there isn’t another person involved there won’t be any issues of jealousy to worry about. Many women love giving their man oral sex while they’re being drilled by The LM42P from behind, and men love getting head from their chick while watching The LM42P pound away on them! Trust us, it’s super HOT!